Suppose, you keep your body in normal for health and life cleanliness. But one thing the body hygiene, and quite another mind hygiene. Much more difficult to throw out garbage from your head, wash and clean up the mind. There is no one for all formula. Because each person's picture of the world from birth to the present day, brick by brick evolved individually. Here, as always, it will be offered food for thought.
     "God gave us the greatest gift - self-awareness*, use it, this is no forever."

     Doing nothing is very hard. By doing nothing, we understand, beer watching TV or surfing the Internet at work, but no. When you are too lazy to work, or today weekend, and you do not care for your garden, do not exercise, do not meet with your friends, but you do not stay alone with your own thoughts, because everyone seemed afraid to do it, and constantly distracting self by any a pointless thing. Just stay with yourself, does not think that you necessarily need a new phone or to go on vacation, etc. Try to set aside the vanity in your head and from a remaining empty space, look around a mountain of debris. The first offer for cleaning is to throw out colorful small "candy wrappers" which have appeared here with the envy.
     Envy, rivalry, greed, etc., disturb our minds exactly as long as the body is somehow functioning, but at the moment of a possible close end, all these petty worries disappear instantly. It can be concluded that they are not real, are not necessary - they are not our friends.
     Why does a person feel envy, why we are so easy to prone to it? Try to answer the question to yourself and by yourself. To do this, try to catch emerging feel of envy , pick out it, and disassembled into small components, for understanding the mechanism, locating the source and comprehending it. One of the catalysts of envy is an increased speed of information exchange. In today's society, women do not want to give birth and raise children, men engage in manual labor. Mostly everyone wants to live as it is presented on TV or the internet. There, under the laws of demand, selling only beautiful "peak moment." Each of us has ups and downs, but media we will issue only a "peak moment" in order to cause more jealousy of other people, as a result, we all scattered and alone, in a vicious circle of envy. Everyone perceives even a temporary absence in his life "peak moments" as a personal failure. A study* finds that people who use social media more also report feeling more socially isolated. Studies* have found, is that we keep thinking it will give us a boost and make us feel better. But in reality, it makes us feel worse. More time on social media is linked to depression, jealousy, low self-esteem and feelings of inferiority.

     Get rid of excess purposes and arrange the remaining.
     For an intelligent form of life is hard to live without a purpose, like - no life but only exist. And I do not mean short purpose, but a global purpose for consciousness. It, maybe, some knowledge of the ultimate whole picture of the world, its understanding, proof, at least for yourself only. In this case, not badly if you have not reached the purpose yet, but if you get the finished picture, and instead of understanding and evidence, you get only duty to believe, but the core of consciousness while remaining empty.
     A common purpose of the modern man is considered to be self-realization. The man - a social animal. One of the human needs is self-realization. But, it would seem a good need has rot root. So, self-realization, in the popular sense, is possible only at the expense of others. Manage large masses of people, get the dominant financial position - that the current stereotype of self-realization. According to it, man cannot be really happy without society, on which he wants to dominate. In the structure of society, people are divided into implementer (cog, cannon fodder, donor), and dictators (managing masses of human material for own purposes). And both of them, the system will swallow sooner or later - " implementer" will disappear quietly when ended lifespan or his seat will like to somebody, but "dictator" will be removed, as it saying with “loud noise event”, and it will happen as sooner as he gentleman and humanely. To be in the "system" and thus "not to spoil", i.e. comply with all written and unwritten rules, to be a good for everyone and everything - it is impossible! Expose yourself beyond the current, think of your life in which you can exist without being controlled by the laws of the crowd, but without leaving the system - it is impossible. This is contrary to the law of gravity of the human when an individual seeks increasingly sprawling centers of people masses, losing individuality. There is nothing outside the system, all of the empty space, inhabited by hermits during the time when the force of gravity was still small, has filled by the system, there is no empty space. From real matrix there is no escape because we do not sleep somewhere, being connected to it, we are here and now. Wherever you did not try to move physically, you will still remain in your body with your mind.

     Find yourself among the remainder.
    Are you asking yourself - that is really you? In my opinion, this is a good topic for reflection. Perhaps this topic will be a base or starting point in self-knowledge. Basically, each person finds his point of view, based on his (although most likely it has already imposed) judgment, experience, emotions, etc. - truly faithful. from birth, for a human is foisted and predetermined everything: to measure life by periods of revolution of the earth around the sun, describe the sorrow imposed by society, by words coined long before his birth, with meaning (semantics) which he even does not share. However, there are cases of complete or partial loss of memory. And in general - the memory substance is not constant. People tend to change own memory, not even noticing it, is inclined to believe in a dream. In other words, our memory is exactly not we are, our memory is not a constant: the brain explains our behavior via physically rewriting it into our memories through memory reconsolidation, making us believe in distorted truth. This is also called backward rationalization, and it can leave most of our negative emotions unresolved and ready to be triggered at any time. They become a constant fuel to our confusion as our brain will keep trying to justify why we behaved irrationally. When out of the equation disappears as the weighty variable, it also calls into question the validity of the other variables. And that’s the question for you, which the way to resolve is through to put in order the mind to the constant kernel of consciousness, generating you and only you.

     Pay attention for warnings about destructive mind traps. It will be useful in future. When we get in trouble is when we use heuristics when we should be relying on broader cognitive processing. Passing stage of deliberation with cognitive dissonance — the irritation caused by two incompatible ideas. Some of the worst mental shortcuts (called cognitive biases). To make the right decision use Willpower, Willpower is the aspiration to reduce the dissonance between each of the active neural circuits.
     Some traps mind, cognitive biases that affect to your decisions.

     Attention to the changes and the effect of the comparison.
     Anchoring bias. Or tendency to rely heavily on our first impression when making a decision. People are over-reliant on the first piece of information they hear. In a salary negotiation, whoever makes the first offer establishes a range of reasonable possibilities in each person's mind. Like sales: you see the thing that cost $ 100 allegedly before, but now is $ 50. It does not matter that $ 50 is inflated the price too, you unwittingly comparing it with the first price. And the more difference, the better it seems to us to buy and the more value gets this product.
     Recency. The tendency to weigh the latest information more heavily than older data. Investors often think the market will always look the way it looks today and make unwise decisions.
     Pro-innovation bias. When a proponent of an innovation tends to overvalue its usefulness and undervalue its limitations. Sound familiar, Silicon Valley?
     Conservatism bias. Where people favor prior evidence over new evidence or information that has emerged. People were slow to accept that the Earth was round because they maintained their earlier understanding that the planet was flat.
     Effect comparison. Our assessment of events depends on this comparison. For example, a man is glad for the new purchase, but he stops to be happy after discover that in a nearby store, the same thing is two times cheaper.
     Biased assessment of the differences. When we consider things individually, we see less difference between them than if comparing them simultaneously. Dinner seems not so fat: there's just pasta from durum wheat and chop. But if compare it with a plate of salad and chicken breast - immediately see the difference.
     The effect of attitude. After losing money You can say: "We have lost half the capital", or: "We managed to save half the money." In the first case we have lost, in the second win, albeit one event.
     Other's mistakes.
     Blind-spot bias. Failing to recognize your own cognitive biases is a bias in itself. People notice cognitive and motivational biases much more in others than in themselves.
     Naive realism and naive cynicism. Who do we believe a normal person, a benchmark for evaluating everyone and everything? Of course selves. And anyone who does not agree with us is wrong.
     Selective perception. Allowing our expectations to influence how we perceive the world. An experiment involving a football game between students from two universities showed that one team saw the opposing team commit more infractions.
     Confirmation bias. The tendency for our minds to search for or interpret information in a way that confirms with our existing beliefs or preconceptions. We tend to listen only to information that confirms our preconceptions - one of the many reasons it's so hard to have an intelligent conversation about climate change.
     Choice-supportive bias. When you choose something, you tend to feel positive about it, even if that choice has flaws. Like how you think your dog is awesome - even if it bites people every once in a while.
     Ostrich effect. The decision to ignore dangerous or negative information by “burying" one's head in the sand, like an ostrich. Research suggests that investors check the value of their holdings significantly less often during bad markets.
     Stereotyping. Expecting a group or person to have certain qualities without having real information about the person. It allows us to quickly identify strangers as friends or enemies, but people tend to overuse and abuse it.
     The effect of participation. We believe that the business or thing that created by you, more important than the things that others have created. It is our child better than anyone else in the world, our project is the most useful, our department is working for the good of the company, more than other.
     Overconfidence. Some of us are too confident about our abilities, and this causes us to take greater risks in our daily lives. Experts are more prone to this bias than laypeople, since they are more convinced that they are right.
     Placebo effect. When simply believing that something will have a certain effect on you causes it to have that effect. In medicine, people given fake pills often experience the same physiological effects as people given the real thing.
     Mechanism: Specific neurons and neurotransmitters, such as norepinephrine, trigger a defensive state when we feel that our thoughts have to be protected from the influence of others. If we are then confronted with differences in opinion, the chemicals that are released in the brain are the same ones that try to ensure our survival in dangerous situations. In this defensive state, the more primitive part of the brain interferes with rational thinking and the limbic system can knock out most of our working memory, physically causing narrowmindedness. No matter how valuable an idea is, the brain has trouble processing it when it is in such a state. On a neural level, it reacts as if we're being threatened, even if this threat comes from harmless opinions or facts that we may otherwise find helpful and could rationally agree with. People who experience a lot of stress can find themselves almost constantly in this defensive mindset since stress can damage the limbic system and drastically increase emotional irritability.
     Attention to the known.
     Availability heuristic. People overestimate the importance of information that is available to them. A person might argue that smoking is not unhealthy because they know someone who lived to 100 and smoked three packs a day. We have sticking labels for any new information, based on the memories and associations that arise in the memory of themselves.
     Survivorship bias. The tendency to refer only to the successful examples in our judgment. An error that comes from focusing only on surviving examples, causing us to misjudge a situation. For instance, we might think that being an entrepreneur is easy because we haven't heard of all those who failed.
     Focus deviation. We draw attention to the fact that we interested in at the moment. Who thinks a lot about clothes and interested in brands, will notice a colleague's new bag, will pay attention to the clothes of others.
     The illusion of often. We begin to notice things that are interested in recently. For example, you read an article about a healthy way of life and decided to go in for sports. And suddenly it turned out that in each corner there is a fitness center or a store of sports nutrition.
     Cognitive ease. Or the Illusion of Truth. This is that, whereby there is a popular of people, brands, etc. Cognitive ease working through constant repetition, after a while we begin to believe that this is true (e.g. advertising), due to the contrast and clarity, the information in which someone want convince us, will always be more contrasting, simple and clear than real the world around us.
     The effect of context. Environment affects the perception of stimuli. If you come to the store and choose the goods in a pleasant atmosphere, you agree to a higher price. Realtor, before the arrival of buyers, prepared muffin with cinnamon and vanilla. The apartment filled pleasant aroma and warmth. As a result, it managed to get a more expensive price.
     Effect of correlating with self. Than more, a newer information is related to us, the easier to remember it. If the hero of the book is similar to us, his adventures stay in the memory for a long time.
     Salience. Our tendency to focus on the most easily recognizable features of a person or concept. When you think about dying, you might worry about being mauled by a lion, as opposed to what is statistically more likely, like dying in a car accident.
     Outcome bias. Judging a decision based on the outcome - rather than how exactly the decision was made in the moment. Just because you won a lot in Vegas doesn't mean gambling your money was a smart decision.
     Contrast effect.
     Insulation effect. Stand-alone and non-standard objects are remembered better than similar. It's like a figure in a series of letters, the joke in a boring lecture, the marked packaging on the shelf with the same goods. But if all bright packaging, so highlight minimalist. This includes the effect of the image priority: pictures are remembered better than text. And the picture in the text - even more so.
     The tendency to negativity. We overestimate the value of the negative things. Therefore, we watch a talk show where the characters are all very bad. One small drawback is able to wipe out a lot of positive features. This is the same fly in the ointment which spoils everything. A basically positive man picks his nose, and we believe this is the yardstick by which to assess him "cost", even his job.
     Perfectionism or redundancy.
     Information bias. The tendency to seek information when it does not affect action. More information is not always better. With less information, people can often make more accurate predictions.
     Clustering illusion. This is the tendency to see patterns in random events. It is key to various gambling fallacies, like the idea that red is more or less likely to turn up on a roulette table after a string of reds.
     Zero-risk bias. Sociologists have found that we love certainty - even if it's counterproductive. Eliminating risk entirely means there is no chance of harm being caused. Loss aversion – poor character for a chess player or the general, but good for the gambler. By this trap, a lot of scams based.
     External factors.
     Bandwagon effect. Studies have shown that the choices of the masses directly influence how we think even if the choice of the group goes against our own judgement. The probability of one person adopting a belief increases based on the number of people who hold that belief. This is a powerful form of groupthink and is reason why meetings are often unproductive.
     The gap of empathy. We underestimate the impact on the behavior of factors such as hunger and thirst. When you want someone to yell, it might be worth a snack or take a nap instead of swear. Therefore, we do not understand other people's actions. We do not know the condition of the person who committed them.