If you're reading this sitting down, do yourself a favor: Stand up. Movement is life! Note, that a huge amount of research confirms the fact that a sedentary lifestyle leads to a weakening of the body, disease and early death. If the body no activity, so it no needed - that how organism thinking. And even more, the same study (you can check recommendations for each disease separately) suggest that prevention and treatment of diseases (except for very severe cases) requires activity. For example, treatment for joint by complete dormancy will not lead to the desired result.
Some no direct scientific findings* that prolonged sitting (inaction) cause nervous excitability (Anxiety). Experiment by Robert Restaino, a doctoral student at the University of Missouri, in Columbia, Mo. published recently in the journal Experimental Physiology, shown that after six-hour sitting reduced blood flow in two major leg arteries and the men's calves swelled by almost an inch, on average.
Sedentary life causes*:
- some atrophy and strain other muscles,
- a decrease in lung volume,
- oxygen starvation,
- interferes with the normal blood supply to the tissues,
- thins the intervertebral discs,
- slows down the fat burn.
Standing desks had mild benefits for weight loss and cholesterol. But do not overdo it! Prolonged standing on his feet may raise your risk for long-term back pain and musculoskeletal disorders. Standing for long periods is already associated with a higher risk for short-term problems, such as leg cramps and backaches.
Two hours of standing on the job is not associated with problems, but "a longer period is likely to have detrimental effects," said study lead author Maria-Gabriela Garcia, a doctoral candidate within the department of health sciences and technology at ETH Zurich in Switzerland. All day on feet – harmful for body too*, the truth, as always in the middle.
But if you still have to stand a lot, do it with the least harm to the body. Posture is the basis for any motion. In the state of rest posture affects to the load and the condition of the muscles and tendons. Accordingly, the posture affects endurance.
Help for your posture:
- Raise the monitor
- Reduce heel
- Do the exercises on your back
- Carry the load close to the body
- Lifting weights correctly, by legs instead of by back
The models of posture.
good |
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- head, trunk, and thigh in straight line - chest high and forward - abdomen flat - back curves normal |
fair |
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- head forward - abdomen prominent - exaggerated curve in upper back - slight hollow back |
poor |
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- relaxed (fatigue) posture - head forward - abdomen relaxed - shoulder blades prominent - hollow back |
very poor |
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- head forward badly - very exaggerated curve upper back - abdomen relaxed - chest flat - sloping - hollow back |
But if you still have to sit a lot, do it with the least harm to the body. In fact, it is difficult to say, how to sit, because to sit correctly - to lie (135 degrees), but the lie behind a desk is not well. So easy to say how wrong.
Inactivity is the culprit, whether you are sitting or lying down. Our legs and backside contain some of the largest muscles in our body, which contract robustly when we are upright. In the process, they use blood sugar to fuel themselves and stimulate the release of biochemicals that favorably affect cholesterol levels and other metabolic processes. None of that happens when we sit in a chair or lounge in bed. Instead, our big muscles are slack and levels of blood sugar and bad cholesterol rise.
The Norm is Alternating seated and standing work is also beneficial, "as it alleviates both the issues with prolonged sitting and prolonged standing.» - Maria-Gabriela Garcia.
“The key is breaking up your activity throughout the day,” said Alan Hedge, a professor of ergonomics at Cornell University. “Sitting all day and standing all day are both bad for you,” he said. He says standing for more than 10 minutes tends to cause people to lean, which can lead to back problems and other musculoskeletal issues. And research from NASA has found that standing up for two minutes 16 times a day while at work is an effective strategy for maintaining bone and muscle density.
The main problem is not the choice of poses for the job, but absence of a movement. Prolonged exposure to any static position - sitting or standing - harmful for health. You don't have to go to spin class or the gym to incorporate activity into your life.
Most current guidelines for physical activity advise adults to get 150 minutes of moderate activity on a weekly basis(ncbi, nytimes, ncbi, webmd, forbes). Minimum 2-Minute Hourly Walk or stand for 2 hours every workday* may offset sitting's effects*. In fact, if they replaced as little as two minutes of sitting each hour with gentle walking, they lowered their risk of premature death* by about 33 percent, compared with people who sat almost nonstop.*