In the table is provided the difference of content of vitamins and minerals in animal and plant food. There are elements that are contained only in animal foods, but generally, plant foods richer in vitamins and minerals.
     The table does not specify the proportion of the content of vitamins and minerals in certain products since it is not constant and depends on a huge number of factors.
     The table is not a complete list of products containing these vitamins or minerals.

     Approximate calorie content and content of proteins, fats, carbohydrates in the main food products. The calculation for 100 gram of product. Additional, content may vary depending on the processing and store of product.

     Approximate calorie consumption during selected works. The values are based on the continuous activity during entered time value (you can enter fractional values).

     Approximate calorie consumption per day. The values are based on individual parameters such as height, weight, age, muscle mass and physical activity.

     Diet - qualitative and quantitative composition of our daily ration. The fact that more and more often supported by the scientific community, is the ideal composition for each individual person - is unique. Before taking another diet, you should read and consider this article.

 Carbohydrates   Fats 
 Digest   Faster   Slower 
 Split   Glucose --> fats1 & glycogen* (with help insulin2  Fatty acids1, glycerin 
 Reaction   lipopexia3/β-combustion*--> energy3 


1 With a large doses of carbohydrates or increased insulin. "Fast carbs" lead to the concentration of insulin. Fast carbohydrates - sugar, etc. Tartronic acid - prevents the accumulation of adipose tissue as a result of the remaining not digested carbohydrates in the body.

2 If you do not have diabetes.

3 According your activity of lifestyle*. During muscle work (aerobic, anaerobicm zones) there is increasing the concentration of hormones in blood: epinephrine, norepinephrine, glucagon, growth hormone, which leads to the output of fatty acids from fat cells (accordance with thyroid health - hyperthyroidism leads to a reduction in inventories fat, and hypothyroidism is often leads to obesity).

    See also "Table calorie foods", ""Healthy" and "Unhealthy" fats"

* Metabolism:
The process of digestion enzymes - catabolism (decomposition)
The process of building cells - anabolism (biosynthesis).



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