Whether they’re going out every night or buying a lot of things, some people like to spend money simply because it makes them happy. Because when doesn’t a new handbag or happy hour with friends make a bad day better? Believe it or not, retail therapy is actually a psychologically verified thing– shopping allows people to visualize themselves in a “better” life, where they’re dressed in nice clothes or surrounded by nice things. Buying makes these visualizations a reality.
Of course, sex is an integral part of human life. We are all members of the sex fan club. And, by and large, it is clear and simple with the benefit and other aspects of sex. But still, I will give some information that maybe help you resolve the question of how to spend next leisure time.
You can find an infinite number of research refuting each other. If we take into account only the conclusions, without going into the essence, it seems that life, in general, is harmful to health. The fact, it is impossible to conduct reliable research. The purity of the experiment is always broken, as guinea not tested under the same ideal conditions. As for the experiments with the food ingredients, for example, pizza often taking like bread.
There is a saying: than simpler - the better. This saying is also true for our meals. Than the number of components in the dish is less, than number of handling and processing stages is less, i.e. than it simpler, the better our digestion. Digestion easier to understand how to use a digestive enzyme. Less likely to get to the incongruous food. so when you see a multi-colored, non-uniform dish with unknown bouquet of flavors, it is worth considering.
Exercise lowered levels of toxic tau proteins and increased blood flow in the brains of people with early memory changes that put them at risk for dementia. 4 months of intense exercise improved symptoms like anxiety, irritability, and depression in people with Alzheimer’s. 6 months of exercise did improve memory and cognitive abilities in people diagnosed with vascular dementia.
Important: for leveling effect of eating «too little» or «too much» should not rush to abandon completely or overeat food, mentioned in the source. Because a sharp change in the usual diet leads sometimes to the worst consequences. Also, the food mentioned in the source, are contain in addition to those described, countless other harmful and healthy elements, whose content depends also on production region.
During sleep the body has the following processes:
- At the stage of falling asleep, there is a slowing of breathing, heart rhythm, muscle relaxation.
- At the stage of deep sleep, there is a restoring the damaged DNA strands, cleaning the brain from accumulated toxins*, the process of homeostasis.
Vitamin supplements should be paired with a healthy diet in order to make up for deficiencies, not to make up for a lack of eating fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. If taken at the correct dosage, multivitamins can be good for you. But there is no substitute for good, nutritional food.(medicaldaily)
If you're reading this sitting down, do yourself a favor: Stand up. Movement is life! Note, that a huge amount of research confirms the fact that a sedentary lifestyle leads to a weakening of the body, disease and early death. If the body no activity, so it no needed - that how organism thinking. And even more, the same study (you can check recommendations for each disease separately) suggest that prevention and treatment of diseases (except for very severe cases) requires activity. For example, treatment for joint by complete dormancy will not lead to the desired result.
Some no direct scientific findings* that prolonged sitting (inaction) cause nervous excitability (Anxiety). Experiment by Robert Restaino, a doctoral student at the University of Missouri, in Columbia, Mo. published recently in the journal Experimental Physiology, shown that after six-hour sitting reduced blood flow in two major leg arteries and the men's calves swelled by almost an inch, on average.
About the theory that the truth (or the norm - in the context of the site) is somewhere between the extremes point, there are a lot of dispute. The main arguments of the defenders and attackers of this theory is an example of refuting or confirming the theory. Such difference in the results related to the following definitions:
According to the WHO definition of Health - Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being.
University of Washington, USA stady*: Over 95 percent of the world's population has health problems.
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