Brain (tag)
Back (tag)
Lungs (tag)
Acute pain in the head – neurologist
A sore throat – therapist, ENT
Chest pain, increases with movement – osteochondrosis – orthopedist, neurologist
Acute pain in the chest, chills, palpitations – cardiologist, emergency
Acute pain in the chest, irrational fear, heavy sweating, rapid breathing, palpitations – cardioneurosis – neurologist, psychotherapist
Pain with cough, increased inspiratory – lungs – therapist – needs X-rays
Each finger and toes corresponds to certain organs and functions. fingers:
- thumb - lung,
- the index finger - the large intestine,
- the middle finger - the vital energy, heart and reproductive function,
- Finger - metabolic activity and output of the excess energy of the heart, stomach, intestines,
- pinkie - the heart and the small intestine.
- the first finger (large) - spleen, pancreas,
- the second toe - stomach,
- third finger - the stomach and duodenum,
- the fourth finger - the gall bladder,
- Fifth finger - bladder.
(more: Hands (diagnosis) )
Heart (tag)
Liver (tag)
Bowel (tag)
Back (tag)
Pain in the upper abdomen – gastroenterologist
Pain in the upper part of the waist to return to the scapula, shoulders, legs – osteochondrosis - neuropathologist
Sharp pain in the right side – liver, urinary - gastroenterologist
Aching pain in the left side, intestines, pancreas – gastroenterologist, therapist
The side stomach pain during running often occurs, if before you eating hearty or consume fatty foods. Reduce pain, help deep breathing and the sides tilt with a delay.